Tap is Nicolas Candela's capstone senior thesis short film. The film tells the story of a socially awkward college student named Steven (played by Jack Caron), who often expresses his enthusiasm for music by tapping, and his attempt to use his habit to connect with his new next-door neighbor Gabby (played by Gilda Chestney).
Tap is currently in its festival run.
Written and Directed Nicolas Candela. Starring Jack Caron, Gilda Chestney, Michael Chaney, and Zach Zdun. Produced by Christian Fink-Irizarry, Caitlin Nichols, and Nicolas Candela. Shot by Nick Kootsikas with a RED Digital Cinema KOMODO 6K Camera. Edited and colored by Zach Gold with Adobe Premiere Pro and Davinci Resolve. Production Design by Zach Zdun. Music and Sound Design by Manni Simon.